Helps improve foot & leg comfort, performance & recovery!

Kompresné ponožky COMPRASOX pomáhajú zvýšiť prietok krvi v nohách pomocou odstupňovanej kompresnej terapie. Bolo klinicky dokázané, že kompresívna terapia zlepšuje prietok krvi. To znamená, že do svalov vám bude prúdiť viac kyslíka, do srdca sa vám bude vracať viac krvi a v nohách sa vám bude hromadiť menej tekutín a toxínov.

Promotes an increase in blood circulation

Helps reduce swelling and pain in legs and feet

Keeps feet dry to stop bacteria

Graduated compression prevents blood from pooling in the feet

Speeds up muscle recovery after exercise

Fights fatigue associated with prolonged sitting or standing

Objednať teraz

How can compression socks help?

Reduce swelling and fluid accumulation in the leg thanks to optimal blood circulation

Boost blood circulation, which helps to prevent the heavy, tired feeling in your legs at the end of the day.

Effective against medical conditions, such as varicose veins, thrombosis, edema & other conditions

Prevent Development of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Increases Oxygen to the Working Muscles and Tissues

Injury prevention - Protects Joints, Ligaments and Tendons to Reduce the Incidence of Shin Splints & Calf Cramps

Unique features of comprasox graduated socks

Graduated Compression in the leg features 20-30 mmHg of compression at the ankle and gradually lessons towards the top of the sock, providing increased blood flow for enhanced performance and faster recovery.
Targeted Compression
Zone-specific compression where you need it most for superior comfort and support.
Non-Binding Top
Reduced spandex in the cuff helping to reducing possible blood flow constriction
Sweat Resistant Fabric
Quick and easy drying, keeps moisture away, reduces sweating & irritation.

Because with bad socks, each step gets more painful.

Plenty of research has gone into how we can better protect our feet against the pace of our modern lives.

A recent study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found, that People with a standing profession (e.g. flight attendants, catering, healthcare) experience less pain (84%) and swollen legs (74%) due to compression stockings during work.

Would you be happy to take the risk?

How can compression socks help?

Boost blood circulation: Compression socks stimulate blood circulation, which helps to prevent the heavy, tired feeling in your legs at the end of the day.

Reduce fluid & swelling: Thanks to optimal blood circulation, the risk of fluid accumulations or swelling in the leg is greatly reduced.

Reduces medical conditions: Thanks to graduated compression technology, Comprasox reduces symptoms such as painful or heavy feeling legs and prevent varicose veins. such as edema, spider veins and varicose vein symptoms

Get rid of tiered legs or varicose veins: Thanks to graduated compression technology, Comprasox reduces symptoms such as painful or heavy feeling legs and prevent varicose veins.

Injury prevention: Stabilizes ankles, shins and calf muscles and provides optimal support in the right places. This helps to prevent possible injuries such as shin splints and the feeling of aching legs.

Energy for workout: Stimulate blood circulation in the legs and thus provide better endurance. Increases Oxygen to the Working Muscles and Tissues

How can compression socks help?

(S) Gives perfect support: Stabilizes ankles, shins and calf muscles and provides optimal support in the right places.

Gives a pleasant feeling because the ankles, shins and calf muscles are stabilized.

Prevent swollen feet: Socks provide optimal blood circulation and maximum oxygen capacity to the leg muscles. This prevents the swelling of your feet.

Helps prevent tired legs: Socks stimulate blood circulation, which helps to prevent the heavy, tired feeling in your legs at the end of the day. This keeps you focused and productive throughout the day.

Ensure optimal comfort: The seamless socks provide a comfortable, soft feel, and prevent skin irritation or the appearance of blisters due to friction.

Stabilize ankles, shins and calf muscles: With high-tech compression, reduce the risks of getting tired and painful legs at the end of a (work) day. Many people take the feeling of tired legs for granted, but this is not necessary. Our Daily Socks are designed to make your day as comfortable as possible.

Get rid of tiered legs or varicose veins: Thanks to graduated compression technology, Comprasox reduces symptoms such as painful or heavy feeling legs and prevent varicose veins.

Reduces fluid accumulation: Gives a pleasant feeling because the ankles, shins and calf muscles are stabilized. Thanks to optimal blood circulation, the risk of fluid accumulations or swelling in the leg is greatly reduced.

Thanks to graduated compression technology, Comprasox reduces symptoms such as painful or heavy feeling legs and prevent varicose veins.

Increase circulation: Compression socks allow blood to flow easily and naturally around the legs & ankle to provide nutrition and flexibility, especially when in motion.

Distributes body weight: Shock Absorption technology takes on the pressure of your body weight, distributing it evenly so your knees take on less stress and therefore have less pain.

Reinforces Ankle Joint: The tough, breathable fabric serves as a frame to protect your ankle from abnormal movement caused by uneven surfaces or rapid, sudden motions.

Decrease swelling: Graduated compression enables maximum circulation & help reduce foot swelling.

Protects Joints, Ligaments and Tendons to Reduce the Incidence of Shin Splints & Calf Cramps

Prevent Development of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Reduces medical conditions, such as edema, spider veins and varicose vein symptoms

Fights fatigue associated with prolonged sitting or standing

How can compression socks help?

Graduated compression: With graduated compression, pressure gradually decreases from the ankle toward the knee, which helps blood flow effectively return to the heart instead of pooling in the feet

Graduated compression: With graduated compression, pressure gradually decreases from the ankle toward the knee, which helps blood flow effectively return to the heart instead of pooling in the feet

Jednoducho sa navliekajú a vyzliekajú

Zmenšenie opuchu chodidiel

Podpora cirkulácie krvi

Prevencia žilových vredov

Stimulácia lymfatického systému (lymfatickej drenáže)

Pomoc pri žilovej hyperzenzii

Zabránenie hromadeniu krvi v žilách nôh chodidiel

Zmiernenie bolesti spôsobenej kŕčovými žilami

Prevencia proti vzniku hlbokej žilovej trombózy

Zmiernenie ortostatickej hypotenzie - točenia hlavy a pocitu "na odpadnutie" pri náhlom postavení sa

Helps improve foot & leg comfort, performance & recovery!

Increase circulation:

Decrease swelling:

Keeps feet dry to stop bacteria

Graduated compression prevents blood from pooling in the feet

Speeds up muscle recovery after exercise

Fights fatigue associated with prolonged sitting or standing

Odstupňovaná kompresia

Graduated Compression in the leg features 20-30 mmHg of compression at the ankle and gradually lessons towards the top of the sock, providing increased blood flow for enhanced performance and faster recovery.
Eases heel and Arch pain
Firm Compression at the Achilles Tendon Targeted Compression lifts, stretches and stabilizes plantar fascia and supports Achilles tendon
Anatomical Design
Conforms to left and right structure of the foot providing enhanced fit and reduced risk of blisters
Sweat Resistant Fibers
Wicks moisture to keep feet cool and dry, while providing superior durability
Seamless Toe
Eliminates irritating toe seam.
How do compression socks help?

They improve blood and lymphatic circulation by applying pressure to the legs.

It works naturally to reduce swelling, energize legs, and prevent dangerous circulatory conditions and blood clots. We use it as an effective way to feel your best every day.
What is compression therapy?
Compression therapy works by squeezing the veins in your legs and feet, making them narrower, which helps blood flow up the legs toward the heart. Better circulation keeps fresh, oxygenated blood flowing to energize muscles, reduce soreness, and prevent clots and circulatory conditions.
What are benefits of graduated compression?
Graduated compression therapy is the most effective form of compression, and works differently than regular compression socks. With graduated compression, pressure gradually decreases from the ankle toward the knee, which helps blood flow effectively return to the heart instead of pooling in the feet
Why socks?
Socks are the most effective and convenient way to get the benefits of compression therapy by changing out one item you already wear every day.

Helps improve foot & leg comfort, performance & recovery!

Kompresné ponožky COMPRASOX pomáhajú zvýšiť prietok krvi v nohách pomocou odstupňovanej kompresnej terapie. Bolo klinicky dokázané, že kompresívna terapia zlepšuje prietok krvi. To znamená, že do svalov vám bude prúdiť viac kyslíka, do srdca sa vám bude vracať viac krvi a v nohách sa vám bude hromadiť menej tekutín a toxínov.

Promotes an increase in blood circulation

Keeps feet dry to stop bacteria

Helps reduce swelling and pain in legs and feet

Graduated compression prevents blood from pooling in the feet.

Speeds up muscle recovery after exercise

Fights fatigue associated with prolonged sitting or standing

Prevent Development of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Reduces medical conditions, such as edema, spider veins and varicose vein symptoms

Protects Joints, Ligaments and Tendons to Reduce the Incidence of Shin Splints & Calf Cramps

Compression therapy: Promotes an increase in blood circulation

Instant pain relief: Helps reduce swelling and pain in legs and feet

Moisture wicking: Keeps feet dry to stop bacteria

Graduated compression: Helps blood flow effectively return to the heart instead of pooling in the feet.

Injury prevention: Protects Joints, Ligaments and Tendons to Reduce the Incidence of Shin Splints & Calf Cramps

Pohodlný, priedušný a antimikrobiálny materiál

Helps blood flow effectively return to the heart instead of pooling in the feet.

Graduated compression prevents blood from pooling in the feet.

Neprerušujú cirkuláciu krvi a nezanechávajú otlaky na pokožke!

Keeps feet dry to stop bacteria

Objednať teraz

Comprasox reinvented the sock to help you perform your best.

Graduated Compression
Utilizes Targeted Compression and anatomical design with the perfect amount of graduated compression to deliver a better fitting compression sock. It also improves circulation to reduce muscle fatigue when active and provide faster recovery.
Eases heel and Arch pain
Firm Compression at the Achilles Tendon Targeted Compression lifts, stretches and stabilizes plantar fascia and supports Achilles tendon
Anatomical Design
Conforms to left and right structure of the foot providing enhanced fit and reduced risk of blisters
Sweat Resistant Fibers
Wicks moisture to keep feet cool and dry, while providing superior durability
Seamless Toe
Eliminates irritating toe seam.
All-Day Comfort + Support
Increase circulation
Improve leg and foot comfort
Relief from pain, aches, and fatigue
Reduce soreness, swelling, and inflammation
Improve Recovery and Endurance
Reduce muscle recovery time
Relief for muscle stiffness and pain
Prevent strain, injury, and fatigue
Decrease lactic acid build-up
Increase Circulatory Health
Helps prevent varicose veins
Helps prevent DVT and blood clots
Relief from discomfort associated with minor/moderate edema, CVI, and venous conditions.
Energy for Everything You Do
Sitting or standing for long periods
Running, cycling, and training
Working from home
Post-workout recovery
Roadtrips and Flights

When Should You Wear COMPRASOX?

You can wear Comprasox compression socks during any period of prolonged standing or sitting to prevent swelling and vein risk. You can also wear them after exercise to speed up recovery.

Prolonged Standing and Sitting: Standing for long periods of time accelerates fatigue and tiredness while causing other health issues. Find out how compression socks can help your overall health.

During long trips: Studies have shown that wearing compression socks during flights reduces swelling of the legs and feet and prevents blood clots.

After exercise: Wearing socks with graduated compression has been shown to improve recovery and muscle soreness.

Naše kompresné ponožky majú skutočnú odstupňovanú kompresiu navrhnutú na zmiernenie bolestí nôh a nepohodlia.

Bežné prípady použitia: celodenné státie na nohách, vytrvalostné športy, cestovanie, regenerácia, opuchy, pavúčie a kŕčové žily.
[ps2id id='sizing'/]

Ako vybrať správu veľkosť?

Na výber správnej veľkosti potrebujete zmerať veľkosť vášho chodidla a obvod vášho lýtka.

Tip: Obvod lýtka merajte v jeho najhrubšej časti.
[wptb id=10446]
Poznámka: Pokiaľ vám podľa tabuľky nevychádza jednoznačná veľkosť, nie je to problém. Ponožky v tom prípade objednajte podľa obvodu lýtka.
[ps2id id='faq'/]

Vy sa pýtate, my odpovedáme

Prečo nosiť kompresné ponožky?
Kompresné ponožky boli pôvodne navrhnuté tak, aby pomáhali zlepšiť prietok krvi u pacientov po operáciách, diabetikov, ľudí s problémami s krvným obehom, kŕčovými žilami, opuchmi a bolesťou. Títo ľudia boli zvyčajne pripútaní na lôžko a úplne nečinní, takže potrebovali tesne priliehajúce ponožky, ktoré pomáhali cirkulácii krvi a jej návratu do srdca, čím sa predchádzalo hromadeniu krvi, tvorbe krvných zrazenín a opuchom dolných končatín. Kompresné ponožky však nie sú určené len pre ľudí, ktorí sa zotavujú po úrazoch a operáciách.

Kompresné ponožky pomáhajú tým, že podporujú krvný obeh, ktorý pomáha pri regenerácii svalov! Kompresné ponožky ponúkajú skvelú podporu aj ľuďom, ktorí sú počas dňa veľa na nohách alebo v sede!
Pre koho sú kompresné ponožky vhodné?
  • Ľudia, ktorí celý deň stoja v práci
  • Ľudia s problémami s krvným obehom, ako je hlboká žilová trombóza, kŕčové žily alebo cukrovka, alebo s rizikom ich vzniku
  • Osoby, ktoré nemôžu opustiť posteľ alebo majú problém s pohybom nôh
  • Ľudia, ktorí trávia dlhý čas v lietadle, ako napríklad piloti
  • Ľudia, ktorí práve podstúpili operáciu
  • Tehotné ženy
  • Športovci, ktorí potrebujú rýchlo zregenerovať svalstvo
Čo je stupňovaná kompresia?
Odstupňované kompresné ponožky vyvíjajú silnejší tlak v blízkosti členka a potom vyvíjajú čoraz menšiu kompresiu, ako sa ponožka posúva nahor po nohe. Týmto spôsobom ponožky prirodzene pomáhajú tlačiť krv späť hore nohou od členka k stehnu a zvyšku tela, čím sa pôsobí proti hromadeniu krvi, tvorbe zrazenín a opuchom nôh.
Prečo práve 20-30 mmHg kompresia?
Rozhodli sme sa vyrobiť kompresné ponožky 20-30 mmHg, pretože na základe vedeckých štúdií je to ideálna výška tlaku, ktorú by ste mali potrebovať, aby ste z kompresie vyťažili čo najviac. Funguje pre človeka, ktorý beží 1 kilometer alebo celý maratón. Funguje pre človeka, ktorý stojí 6 hodín denne alebo 12 hodín.
Ako môžem kompresné ponožky prať?

Ponožky môžete prať. Perte v ruke alebo v práčke na studenú teplotu. Pre dosiahnutie najlepších výsledkov vložte ponožky do vrecka na oblečenie a perte s jemným pracím prostriedkom. Nepoužívajte chlór, bielidlá ani zmäkčovadlá.

Poskytujete sledovanie mojej objednávky?
Áno, číslo zásielky dostanete po odoslaní objednávky.
Ako vás kontaktovať, ak mám ďalšie otázky?
V prípade ďalších otázok nás kontaktujte kliknutím sem.

Nakupujte bez rizika

Rýchla doprava
24/7 zákaznícka podpora
Bezpečná platba
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How it works

Compression therapy works by squeezing the veins in your legs and feet, making them narrower, which helps blood flow up the legs toward the heart. Better circulation keeps fresh, oxygenated blood flowing to energize muscles, reduce soreness, and prevent clots and circulatory conditions.

Instant relief for swollen, tired, sore and achy feet and legs

With graduated compression, pressure gradually decreases from the ankle toward the knee, which helps blood flow effectively return to the heart instead of pooling in the feet.

Fights fatigue associated with prolonged sitting or standing

Completely safe and all-natural way to improve your circulation system for better overall health

Speeds up muscle recovery after exercise

Reduces medical conditions, such as edema, spider veins and varicose vein symptoms

Objednať teraz
Dodanie do 1-3 dní
Jednoduché vrátenie do 60 dní
Doprava zadarmo pri nákupe nad 35 €

Unique features of comprasox graduated socks

Graduated Compression in the leg features 20-30 mmHg of compression at the ankle and gradually lessons towards the top of the sock, providing increased blood flow for enhanced performance and faster recovery.
Double stitched
Soft elasticity and strong flexibility guarantees you the most comfortable wearing experience all day long.
Sweat Resistant Fabric
Quick and easy drying, keeps moisture away, reduces sweating & irritation.
Shock Absorption
Helps absorb the shock from weight and activity so you can reduces the risk of knee pain.
Targeted Compression
Zone-specific compression where you need it most for superior comfort and support.
3 ks len za 39,98 €
5 ks len za 59,97 €
10 ks len za 99,95 €

Ako fugujú kompresné ponožky?

When you spend a lot of time sitting down or standing up, you’re putting a lot of extra strain on your circulatory system. This causes your legs and feet to feel tired, achy and swollen. It also puts you at risk for developing blood clots or deep venous thrombosis (DVT) - even if you’re completely healthy.

Comprasox Compression Socks provide instant relief for your tired, heavy and aching legs and feet. They're easy to slip on and will reduce swelling, fatigue and discomfort associated with traveling, pregnancy or a job that require prolonged sitting or standing.

Comprasox Compression Socks works by improving the blood flow in your legs. Besides relieving swelling and discomfort, you may find you have more energy in your feet throughout the day. You may be surprised to to feel at how much more stamina you have to stand, run or sit for long periods of time without feeling tired or drained.

Unique features of comprasox graduated socks

Graduated Compression in the leg features 20-30 mmHg of compression at the ankle and gradually lessons towards the top of the sock, providing increased blood flow for enhanced performance and faster recovery.
Double stitched
Soft elasticity and strong flexibility guarantees you the most comfortable wearing experience all day long.
Sweat Resistant Fabric
Quick and easy drying, keeps moisture away, reduces sweating & irritation.
Shock Absorption
Helps absorb the shock from weight and activity so you can reduces the risk of knee pain.
Anatomical design
Stabilizes ankles, shins and calf muscles and provides optimal support in the right places.